Sunday 6 February 2011

Crow cull plan to save song birds sparks controversy - BBC Hampshire

The Game and Wildlife Conservancy Trust based in Fordingbridge, is planning a limited trial of legally trapping and culling predator birds such as crows and magpies to test if they contributing to the decline in songbird populations. A local farmer at Selbourne also feels that there is a need for the trial because despite maintaining ideal habitat for songbirds he is fighting a losing battle as crows and magpies rob their nests of eggs and young chicks. The RSPB disagrees - what do you think ?  Read more :-  BBC Hampshire

1 comment:

  1. This is UTTER NONSENSE! When oh when will we ever learn to stop interfering! 1st, we give TB to Cattle & Badgers, then we turn round, blame the Badger & start culling them. Then we fill our own environment with deadly chemicals, which kill off all our Songbirds, so now, once again, we're looking for a scapegoat. The ONLY predator that is STUPID enough to exterminate a food species is us! All the others have much more sense than to eradicate their own food supply! .... Duh!
