Monday 27 December 2010

Proposed Solar Park at Kingsley

The largest photovoltaic solar power plant in ...Image via Wikipedia
This is a solar power plant in the USA
A 'Solar Park' is being planned just outside Kingsley village, in fields between the Alice Holt Straits Enclosure and the B3004 Bordon to Alton road.   The park, which will be one of the first in this country, is in effect a small power station made up of multiple arrays of photo-voltaic panels covering an area of 14Ha and delivering up to 5MW to the national grid. Kingsley residents were able to see a display of the planned scheme at a public exhibition hosted by the developers : Low Carbon Solar UK, in mid December.    The park is currently at the consultation stage and a 'Request for Screening Opinion' has been submitted to East Hants District Planning and you can read more about the development by looking up Kingsley Planning Applications.
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